Everyone Healthy in the City
The urban environment has a significant impact on the physical well-being of its inhabitants. Living in a small space with a lot of people puts a lot of pressure on hygiene, air quality, open spaces, nature, and opportunities for exercise.
How can we convince people to eat healthily and exercise in the urban environment?
Also, there seems to be a strong connection between aspects of education, income and cultural background on the one hand and health on the other. Looking at postal codes, we can see big differences in health in different area’s. It’s a growing concern in our growing cities.
Measuring the exact impact is a complex task, and it raises several issues. We will look at these issues from different points of view at the conference Everyone Healthy in the City: how can we both understand and diminish the differences in physical well-being? How can we convince people to eat healthily and exercise in the urban environment? How can we decrease loneliness in Amsterdam neighbourhoods? And what are the implications of the advancing digital fabrication – making it possible to fabricate your own products – on the self-sufficiency of patients and their environment?
The conference Everyone Healthy in the City will take place on Thursday 21 June and is co-hosted by AMC, GGD, AHTI, Amsterdam Economic Board, Waag en de Gemeente Amsterdam.