WeMakeThe.City is the largest city festival in Europe, taking place from 20 to 24 June. we celebrate urban living whilst addressing important urban issues in the metropolitan region of Amsterdam. How can we make our cities better? How do we make better cities?

All over the world, including Amsterdam and its metropolitan region, cities are growing rapidly. This growth causes serious problems concerning, for instance, climate, safety, affordable housing, and health. The key question is: what kind of city do we want to live in, in five, ten or fifteen years time? WeMakeThe.City will be searching for answers, together with you and many others. Because together we make the city of the future.

Who are we?

Everyone connected to the city, in whichever way. Most of the time, we play several roles at once. We’re a municipal worker, an inhabitant, a father, mother, commuter, visitor. All kinds of people from all different backgrounds, in all kinds of manifestations. We all make the city. By simply being there, or by actively contributing.


What is make?

Cities are made by everyone. By people who are pioneering, persevering, playing, designing, teaching, making policies, enforcing, developing, trying, breaking, building and rebuilding, dreaming, working, intervening, talking, parenting, enjoying.

Is it just the city?

Urban living is everywhere. In the future, as more and more areas will fuse, the metropolitan region will acquire a big city dynamic. We anticipate this development, by including the region. Everything we do in the city has an impact on its region and vice versa. A city is more than just a place owning city rights. It is all actions of all people combined.

The City

For five whole days, we will transform the city into one huge festival, with 600 local, national and international speakers, 150 locations, 25 theme conferences, 30 urban talks, 50 workshops, 30 city expeditions, 15 special events, 10 exhibitions, and 30.000 participants. We will deal with the major urban challenges, share knowledge and present the latest solutions. WeMakeThe.City offers inspiration, interaction, and innovation.