Urban ConferenceThe role of art in city innovation
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For innovation to be of value for society, not only scientific and technological skills are needed. Critical skills and creativity rooted in artistic practices offer valuable contributions. The expertise and practice of artists can directly drive and influence innovation in different fields, like environmental sustainability, area development, or healthcare. Art offers new perspectives, inspires new directions and acts as a catalyst for a successful and socially responsible transformation of new technologies into new products, services, and processes and new economic, social and business models. As part of the STARTS Talks series, we will highlight different international ánd local examples of promising collaborations between the private sector and the world of art and culture, together with the STARTS Prize 2018 winner. We will discuss how we can make technology more human, citizens smarter and societies more inclusive.
Sharon Oldenkotte-Vrolijk - BPD
Sharon is director Art & Culture at BPD, a leading European area developer. Their mission is to contribute to creating ‘living environments’, residential areas that are alive in their own right. How can art play a role in completing that mission?
Winner STARTS Prize 2018: Giulia Tomasello - Future Flora
Giulia Tomasello is an Interaction Designer who is passionate about bio-hacking and wants to empower women through her projects in wearable tech and biotech. Would you wear bacteria in your underwear if it would mean a healthier, happier vagina?
Honorary mention STARTS Prize: Ivonne Dings - Making Sense
How can we make citizens resilient to the onset of smart city technologies? Making Sense developed a Citizen Sensing toolkit for bottom-up citizen science - showing how open-source software, open-source hardware, digital maker practices, and open design can be used by local communities to make sense of their environments.
Moderator: Lucas Evers, Head of Programme at Waag.
Afterwards, you are invited to join the Grand Opening of
14.45 Doors open (
15.00 Welcome by Lucas Evers
15.10 Case presentations + STARTS talk
16.30 Drinks (at Gustav Mahlerplein)
17.00 Grand opening GET LOST (at Gustav Mahlerplein)
18.00 Guided tours GET LOST – art route 2018
Appointed by the European Commission, from 2016 until 2020, Ars Electronica (Linz), BOZAR (Brussels) and Waag (Amsterdam) are issuing open calls to select the most pioneering collaboration and results in the field of creativity and innovation at the intersections of science and technology with the arts. Previous winners are Rock Print and I’m Humanity (2017), and Artificial Skins and Bones and Magnetic Motion (2016). The winners of this year’s prize will be announced in June 2018.
Do you have a Festival Pass? Sign up for this Urban Conference for free.
*This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732019.
*This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732019.
Friday 22 June
15:00 - 16:30
Circl, Gustav Mahlerplein 1B, 1082 MS in Amsterdam.