Simone d’Antonio
Simone d’Antonio is a Rome-based journalist covering innovation, sustainability and urban issues. He works at the Italian Association of Cities and Municipalities (ANCI) in Rome as communication and dissemination officer. He is in charge of the activities of the National Dissemination Point for Italy of the URBACT Programme, as well as responsible of the communication activities of the Co-City project in Turin, funded by the EU Programme Urban Innovative Actions.
Certified URBACT ad hoc expert on integrated urban development and governance, supported the action of many Italian and European cities in the framework of the URBACT III Action Planning Networks. He is a free-lance contributor of Citylab-The Atlantic, The Guardian, Citiscope, the Italian editions of The Huffington Post and Wired, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Manifesto, The Good Life and other magazines covering urban affairs in Italy and in Europe. He is one of the main organizers of the Urban Journalism Academy Programme, launched by UN-Habitat to promote urban journalism.