Duurzame diverse groentekwekerij

Open House

Hoe produceer je zelfdragende, ecologische groente in de stad?

Groenhartig is an experiment by Michel Kegels to create an ecological and diverse vegetable production on a small piece of land in the city. Space is scarce in cities, but the demand for super fresh, unsprayed vegetables is growing. Groenhartig aims to combine these two factors with ecological principles while trying to create a win/win situation for everyone. On the 23rd of June, you can drop by and take a look yourself. 

Groenhartig is part of the Tuinen van West, the first permanent urban farming area of Amsterdam. On the 23rd and 24th of June, they offer a range of experiences. So drop by and visit Groenhartig and other initiatives in this amazing area!

This activity on Saturday is free of charge.

Saturday 23 June

10:30 - 18:00

Groenhartig (Nico Broekhuysenweg 20, Amsterdam West)

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