The Rocket Stove Hack
Open HouseLeer en proef hoe je een rocket stove kan bouwen
De KasKantine is a temporarily built city farm and restaurant in Amsterdam Nieuw West, which will function for a year and a half. It's the third different location - expanding a little each time.
Twelve converted sea containers and several greenhouse constructions together make up De Kaskantine, which is being run by cooperation. Its aim is to create autonomous collaborations, creating local welfare using little money. All of the cooperative members are
The food cycle
Negotiates with supermarket and wholesale companies to make them repackage or process unsaleable food. The products are being sold in the container shop.
Healthy & Affordable
Dries leftover vegetables and fruit from markets.
StadsOogst (City Harvest)
Makes worm compost boxes and worm compost granules for the
Dog Radio
Teaches the youth to build their own production studio and experience in
The Kaskantine maintains a garden with different kinds of mobile production systems, such as an aquaponics wall and self-watering plant boxes. The production is tailored to different themed dinner nights, like the famous pizza night!
During the weekend of WeMakeThe.City guided tours visit all of the initiatives in the KasKantine and you can see how the different rocket stove function. Afterward, you can taste the rocket stove dishes, or make one and take it home.
This activity is based on donations.
Saturday 23 June
12:00 - 18:00
De Kaskantine (Vlaardingenlaan 600 BIS, Amsterdam Nieuw-West)