De Openbare WerkPlaats
Open HouseDe Openbare WerkPlaats (public workspace) is a place where everyone, amateur or professional, can use professional tools and machines for working with steel and wood. Clients mostly are self-employed carpenters, shipwrights, metal workers, designers, creatives and artists. The others are amateurs, some of whom are more skilled than your average professional.
The Openbare WerkPlaats not only rent outs workspaces and machinery but also offers around fifty different courses, at night and in the weekends, on woodworking, carpentry, electrical, metalworking, forging and maintenance of (motor)bikes. Part of these courses is available in English.
During the open house, visual artist Wichert van Engelen shows a cross-section of his work. He freezes motion in waste steel, using techniques of welding and forging. You can also see him work on his latest object 'Jachttrofee Giraf' (hunting trophy giraffe) and on his casting furnace, which will be used at the Openbare WerkPlaats for casting bronze.
Curious for the De Openbare WerkPlaats?You can visit throughout the year during opening hours or at the special opening hours at WeMakeThe.City:
Saturday 23 June from 13:00 to 16:00
Sunday 24 June from 13:00 to 16:00
This event is free of charge. Visit the website for more information.
Sunday 24 June
13:00 - 18:00
De Openbare WerkPlaats (Cruquiusweg 78, Amsterdam Oost)