Toekomst van het spectaculaire daklandschap
Urban ExpeditionWelke spectaculaire daken worden in de nabije toekomst getransformeerd en gebouwd?
In collaboration with the team of Rooftop festival
The expedition takes you to the pioneering roofs. And to locations where we will show blow-ups of spectacular additions to come. It will be a wide range of possible ways to make roofs greener and more sustainable and we will address the matter of adding a public roof landscape to the city.
Bring your own bicycle!
Do you have a Festival Pass? Then you can sign up for this expedition for free. The expedition includes a 'petit dejeuner' offered by CIRCL, which is the starting location for the expedition.
Would you like to join the other roof expedition? Take a look at Edible Roof Tour.
Saturday 23 June
11:00 - 13:30
Circl, Gustav Mahlerplein 1B, 1082 MS in Amsterdam.