Open huis BioBoerderij de Boterbloem
Open HouseRondleiding over kleinschalige biologische akkerbouw: de toekomst voor stedelijke voedselvoorziening
The Boterbloem is a smallscale agriculural farm located in the Lutkemeerpolder for over 100 years. The last 24 years in organic produce. Its historic landscaping, monumental orchard, the biodiversity and natural surroundings make it an unique ensemble. The farm and the acres are sandwiched between Schiphol airport and the city of Amsterdam, and in the eyes of city developers worth a lot of money. We think that, growth of aviation industry and more industrial sites belongs in a cityplan of the futute. The 'sustainable city' blends agricultural activities in urban eco-systems, creates short foodsupply chains and connects foodproduction with citizens.
Visit The Boterbloem during WeMakeThe.City and go on one of their guided tours around their area, in cooperation with De Tuinakker. There will be two guided tours: the first will be from 14:00 to 15:00 and the second from 16:00 to 17:00. Before or afterwards you can go and discover de Tuinen van West some more!
This activity is free of charge.
Saturday 23 June
10:00 - 17:00
Biologische Boerderij De Boterbloem (Lutkemeerweg 262-B, Amsterdam West)