Hortus Perennis
Urban SpecialDe vlindertuin van de toekomst
By global warming the cities get much warmer... Longer dry periods and then heavy rain... Because of these extreme climatic conditions, in the future we have to look to the layout of public spaces in the cities in a different way. Butterflies are the perfect indicator of a natural balance. More and more butterflies find their way to the city and find here more nectar than in the countryside. Within the Butterfly Garden of the Future we investigate the changing role of the urban environment. And the role that the current political climate plays in this.
Which host and nectar plants are suitable for the future climate in the city? Which butterflies can we expect in the next 20 years? What can the role of exotic plants be in these gardens? Can exotic plants play a positive role in urban green space? Are we now in a (reversed) refugia? Can we still use the terms indigenous and exotic, now that the temperatures vary so much and the boundaries are increasingly blurred? What role does the current political climate play in looking at the role of exotic species in our ecosystem?
The results of these questions are shown in various installations and interventions in the public space. In addition, there is the possibility for discussion.
The Butterfly Garden of the Future by The Butterfly House is hosted by Art4Art B&B, located at the artistic and industrial site Nieuw en Meer. Pass by on Friday 22th or Saturday 23th of June and learn about exotic species in our ecosystem. On Friday June 22th there will also be a ArtB&B- High Tea and a Weed & Wildernis tour.
This activity is free of charge.Interested in the High Tea? Please sign up via [email protected].
The Butterfly Garden of the Future is a collaboration between Art4Art B&B, The Butterfly House, iArts Maastricht and Science Programme Maastricht University.
Image: Residency Queensland Australia © Stefan Cools, 2017. Courtesy of Stefan Cools.
Saturday 23 June
12:00 - 17:00
Art4Art B&B (Oude Haagseweg 119, Amsterdam Nieuw-West)